NOC - National Oil Company
NOC stands for National Oil Company
Here you will find, what does NOC stand for in Firm under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate National Oil Company? National Oil Company can be abbreviated as NOC What does NOC stand for? NOC stands for National Oil Company. What does National Oil Company mean?The based company is located in engaged in oil & energy industry.
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Alternative definitions of NOC
- The Networking Operations Center
- No Objection Certificate
- Nantahala Outdoors Center
- Networks Operations Center
- No Objection Certificate
- Network Operations Center
- Network Operations Center
- Nantahala Outdoor Center
View 83 other definitions of NOC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- NIORDC National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company
- NMIT North Malabar Institute of Technology
- NSGA North Shore Gymnastics Association
- NMHC Northeast Missouri Health Council
- NCC Newfoundland Chocolate Company
- NLC National Lighting Company
- NHCSI The Neighborhood House Charter School Inc
- NSCE North South Consultants Exchange
- NGSC New Gateway Solutions Corporation
- NHSSV Neighborhood Housing Services Silicon Valley
- NPS Nayak Plastic Surgery
- NACC Noor Advance Contracting Company
- NSDCAR North San Diego County Association of Realtors
- NJSEA New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority
- NRE Nook Real Estate
- NTC North Texas Contracting
- NDP Nebraska Democratic Party
- NCEFT The National Center for Equine Facilitated Therapy
- NGA Nordic Gym Ab
- NGC National Glass Centre